Reinventing Divorce is excited to announce that we are offering a new program designed to put you in the drivers seat of your divorce. We have created a nuts and bolts online course packed with the necessary information and most commonly asked questions about the process. The online modules walk you through with an A-Z approach focusing on the pertinent information you will need on your divorce journey. As you move through the course, you will simultaneously be coaching with Myra, creating an unstoppable system of guidance and support. Not only will you complete the course prepared, but you will feel energized for what lies ahead.
Recognize Where You Are:
Setting Your Intention, Adopting a New Mindset, and Preparing to Access Your Divine Self as You Move Through Your Divorce and Create a New Life
Elect Your Divorce Path:
Consciously Choosing the Right Path For You and Your Family
Information Gathering aka Getting Your Ducks In a Row:
Strategies to Set Yourself Up for a Divorce That Aligns With Who You Want to Become
Navigating the High Conflict Spouse:
Identifying the Four Main Types and Consciously Navigating the Do's and Dont's of Divorcing a Spouse with these Personality Traits
Vetting Divorce Experts:
Who Are They and Which Ones Do You Need?
Easing Divorce Overwhelm:
Managing Anxiety, Stress, and Divorce Fatigue Before, During and After the Process
Nurturing Your Children:
Co-Parenting vs. Parallel Parenting: Recognizing the Fluidity of these Two Styles and Understanding which of these Two Styles is Necessary for your Unique Situation
Transforming & Reinventing Yourself and Your Relationships:
The Crucial but Often Forgotten Step